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ASHRAE Toronto WIA Event - Women Engineers: The Value of Being Different - May 16th, 2018

  • 16 May 2018
  • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • University of Toronto, Sandford Fleming Building, room SF1105, 10 King's College Rd Toronto, ON M5S 3G8
  • 19


  • Valid Student ID Required at the Door
  • ASHRAE Student Chapter Member

The Value of Being Different

Date: Wednesday, May 16th, 2018



University of Toronto

Faculty of Engineering

Sandford Fleming Building

10 King's College Rd

Toronto, ON M5S 3G8

Room SF1105

6:00 Social drinks and snacks 

Room GB 202

7:00 Presentation

Room SF 1105

Click here for directions!


Women in ASHRAE Event

Wednesday May 16th 2018

ASHRAE Toronto Chapter invites you to our Women in Engineering event for 2018.

Julia Keen will talk about being a women in engineering, share her personal experiences and discuss how women can increase their personal success (and success of other women) in the workforce.



6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Social and networking reception in room GB 202.  

Light snacks will be provided. 

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM  

Presentation in room SF 1105.


Julia Keen, ASHRAE Fellow


Kansas State University, KS

Julia Keen is a Professor of Architectural Engineering and Construction Science at Kansas State University holding the Bob and Betty Tointon Engineering endowed chair.  She also owns her own consulting company, Keen Designs, PA. Her specific areas of interest include HVAC design, energy codes, high performance design, HVAC education, and the advancement of women in the building design and construction industry. 

Julia became involved in ASHRAE as a student member of the Kansas State University student branch. She has acted as the faculty advisor to this branch since 2003 during which time the chapter has routinely attended the ASHRAE winter meetings and the competition team that she has coached has finished first in the ASHRAE Design Competition five times. Through the years, Julia has held several chapter positions including President and CRC Chair of the Cedar Valley Chapter. She has also been involved in many Society level committees including: Planning, Publications, Conferences and Expositions, and Certification as well as chaired TC6.1-Hydronic and Steam Equipment and Systems. Julia served as a Director-at-Large to the ASHRAE Board of Directors (2013 – 2016). Her service to the organization was recognized in 2010 when she was given the Distinguished Service Award. 

Need Assistance?

Feel free to contact the following:

Emma Wildeman
ASHRAE Toronto Programs Chair 


Peter Turk
ASHRAE Toronto Chapter President 


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This web site is maintained by the ASHRAE Toronto Chapter of ASHRAE. It does not present official positions of the Society nor reflect Society policy. ASHRAE chapters may not act for the Society and the information presented here has not had Society review. To learn more about ASHRAE activities on an international level, contact the ASHRAE homepage at http://www.ashrae.org.
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