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March Meeting City Hall Tour

  • 01 Mar 2010
  • 4:20 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Toronto City Hall Ground Floor Info Desk
  • 0


  • Registraion is open to Toronto Chapter Members & Their Guests.

Registration is closed


Notice of Meeting - Tour Only

Date:          Monday March 1, 2010  


Venue:       Toronto City Hall

                  100 Queen St. West Toronto

                  Click Here for a Map


Tour:          4:20 PM

                  40 People Max Registration


Theme:  Government Affairs Night

You may also still register through the ASHRAE chapter office (Sabrina Tai - 905 602 4714 or stai@hrai.ca).   Please indicate at time of registration if you have any specific meal requirements. There will always be a vegetarian option, but we need to know how many of these plates to order.


Tour Information:


City Hall was built in the 1960's when energy efficiency was not a concern.  Please visit the facility and receive a guided tour the many energy efficiency improvements which have been made over the years.  An Example is connection of the facility with Enwave's Deep Lake Water Cooling System (DLWC).  DLWC will reduce electricity consumption by approximately 1.9 million kilowatt hours annually and will reduce CO2 by 325 tonnes (a 75 percent reduction in CO2 emissions as compared to conventional chillers.)  City Hall also purchased green/renewable power from Bullfrog Power for 2009 and plans to do the same for 2010. The purchase of 19 million kWh of green power will result a reduction of over 4,000 tones of CO2.


On May 2, 2007 over 65 planners, environmentalists, engineers and specialists participated in a charrette to dialogue on City Hall and energy efficiency.  The event was co-sponsored by the Clinton Climate Initiative. The outcome of the charrette was that City Hall could, in the future, achieve a net zero carbon impact and thereby become a showcase for sustainability and energy efficiency but that significant investment would be required to achieve this.


In May 2008 the City of Toronto signed an agreement with Toronto Hydro Energy Services Inc. to undertake some of the energy saving measures discussed at the charrette.  During the tour, a number of the future measures will be reviewed.

The tour is located at Toronto City Hall at 100 Queen St W in downtown Toronto. Participants are asked to meet at 4:20 p.m. at the ground floor rotunda, near the information desk.
We ask that you pre-register for the tour at your earliest convenience online or through Sabrina.  There is a maximum of 40 registrants for the tour, which will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.
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